I’m a I’m a paragraph. Drag me to add paragraph to your block, write your er. They will often be white rings on both sides, with perhaps one side having a red center, and the other having a blue center. There is a very nice clicking sound as the cars pass over and register a lap. Small pins that can move to either side of the car associate the car with a counter.. Drag me to add paragraph to your block, write your own text and edit me.
These are the color coordinated Ferraris from my Sears set. Interestingly, the controllers are color matched--yellow with a red trigger, and red with a yellow trigger. Check out the colored heads on the drivers!
Also note that some of these early cars did not have holes for headlights but were just filled in.
How about buying a new slot car with a hand painted head? You could! Here is a close up of the guy in the Ferrari. text and edit me.
I’m a paragraph. Drag me to add paragraph to your block, write your own text and edit me.